Nemo lives on!

Well I had my final two open water dives today :-( Could easily stay on to do more. Just so you don't worry, Nemo lives on, and the little b*gger's been shagging. He definitely had more Nemo's around him and he's much smaller than he looks in the movies. Saw lots of things, big red bass (I think), a large eel hiding in a wee hole, and lots of other erm.... colourful shiny fish. I think that's the name of them anyway. Didn't do my navigation very well, but I did outswim my instructor who was racing after me, and I didn't hear the boat honking it's horn either. I think it was the surface current.... (actually there was a surface current)
Last night was my first night "on the beers" but compared to back home, well I walked home soberish. Had a drink in a wee pub "that you can hang out with your mates without ladies hassling you" next to the accommodation and went for a few beers with an ex-pat who took me on a brief spin of the local establishments, introduced me to the life that tourists never hear of, and the food places that are worth frequenting. I think I'll try one of the burgers he pointed out on the way home tonight. By the way, the pub description was his, not mine. Clearly I won't be back there. JOKING! And last night was proof that everyone's not trying to rip you off here - the bar staff called me back when I gave them 300 pesos in a tip...although that's maybe cos I was with Mr X (I won't reveal his name incase I tell more of his stories, and he has to get the local security to protect his house with M16's again. To be fair, he was, or at least spoke like, an honest guy and gave a pretty good representation of the place as he's been married to a local since arriving a few years ago.
Anyway, my stomach is calling. I'll try to dig out a picture of Nemo over the weekend and keep you in suspense.....
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